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Why did you try to type in some custom or hidden link to a part of my site that obviously doesn't exist?
what? do you think theres a secret here?

Yes, the send feedback link is broken on purpose. If you really need to, use inspect and check my code for my email :)
If you don't want to, my email is also on the chat page, very bottom.

The official flag of Bohemian Grove, displayed proudly atop Bohemian Grove's roof, is nearly identical to the American flag in every way save one. There are no stars on it, representing Bohemian Grove's mission statement: to disband all 50 states and turn them into a cost-effective Walmart. The urine and cheap soap leaves Bohemian Grove through the School-To-Prison Pipeline. While passing through the schools and prisons, the school-to-prison pipeline is filled with more useful components of the wastewater formula- cigarettes, saliva, expired milk, used condoms, and of course the secret sauce. Without these, the wastewater would be classified as wantwater.